“Skill Education Programs” for: Insurance Administrators, Agents-Brokers Executive Business, “Pre-Licensing” State Exam Education Program and “Skill” Education Program.
Total Price:
Attention: ONLY IF you are “unemployed” or “underemployed” and have low income, You may qualify for State Government to pay for your Education Cost (“Not a student loan or pay back requirements’), The Government has designed these programs, to help you change your life, a Path to improve your education, Life Style and income, to emerge from a dead end job and pressure to live check to check. Do not pass this “Opportunity.” Please ask us how call us toll free 1-877-800-2822.
This program is known and designed as a “Path to improve one’s education level (Knowledge is power), Life Style, and emerging from a dead end pay check to pay check life to earn more income.
– Business Insurance School is the ONLY “INSURANCE IMPLIED LAWS & RULE” Academy and School in the World that has invested $100’s of thousands to expand and improve in all fields of technology, curriculum materials, and infrastructure to achieve being Approved by the (“Bureau Of Private Postsecondary Education”) BPPE’s high standards for having undisputed best grade Course materials, and Books, recognized and awarded as an “Skill Education Program” provider, with one goal in mind to create the Best and ONLY Insurance Academy in the World that Offers, “Skill Education Programs” for: Insurance Administrators, Agents-Brokers Executive Business, “Pre-Licensing” State Exam Education Program and “Skill” Education Program.
– This is not only a “Pre-Licensing” State Exam Education Program but also “An SKILL Education Program” which teaches skills for these professions with an in-depth education program on the [“entire subject matters of insurance and implied laws”] As described on CALJOBS website under program Code # 521701: It’s a program that prepares individuals to manage risk in organizational settings and provide insurance and risk-aversion services to businesses, individuals, and other organizations. Program includes instruction: casualty and general liability insurance, property insurance, employee benefits, social and health insurance, loss adjustment, understanding of underwriting process, risk theory, and pension planning. The education you earn through this program qualifies you to earn top pay Jobs in any industry or a Business type, because exact Rules implies.
– Q: Why I will do better IF I complete this entire Skill Education program for “Insurance, Administrator, Agent, CSR and Executive” versus only a Pre-Licensing State exam preparation education?
– A: We have attached here a PDF of 2 SAMPLES of License PASS CERTIFICATE for Property and Casualty line and Life, Accident and Health line, By Government exam center, once you look at the “Highlighted area in Yellow”, on this 2 documents, you will see that there are many Course Topics Agendas” that one must have knowledge on to PASS. So teaching you how to PASS is not difficult, but Teaching one how to become a knowledgeable and Successful Insurance or an Office: Manager, Marketer, Sales, or Executive is the Key.
“Statistics shows that many failed or quit” from one of the greatest life Changing Careers in the World, just because they relied on the Minimum education that only taught them the knowledge how to pass the license exam, but once they faced the challenges their hope to LEARN the SKILLS “as on the JOB training” was shattered, because they couldn’t understand many technical terms to expand their Skills and knowledge from that point on, as they hope that on the Job training will help them get there.
– Q: Why it’s the greatest Career on Earth?
– A: There are 1’000’s of individuals with will and enthusiasm, without a college degree, who are making lots more than many top College educated persons do make, sky is your limit.
– IN SHORT the intent and Goal for this Program is not only help you PASS with flying colors but also help to have a first class in depth KNOWLEDGE & EDUCATION in these fields, so not only you enjoy your Job, and become an asset that your employer never risk losing you, “But” also you hit home run in both position promotion and income increase A TRUE PATH TO A LIFE CHANGING CAREER AND FINANCIAL INCOME Freedom.
These entire Education program (“Courses”) offered by Business Insurance School, is a WIOA qualified and Approved Program Code # 521701, and it is one of the only remaining education programs left in the United States that allows an individual with will to grow, because of the knowledge, Education, and Skill required learned at CIS, to within 5 years generate same level of “Six figures” INCOME as an “Ivy League” university or School graduate who may have spent close or even more than $250,000.00 to obtain his or her Education training would, with micro fraction of the $250K Cost!
Yet it is now even more exciting: Because this Education program is a WIOA qualified Program Code # 521701, You “may” based on your current financial situation and income qualify to have your LOCAL WIB through EDD “OR its One STOP CALJOBs CENTER” in your Home town or County “Pay” for this entire education cost and your time in School. (“Ask us to help you Apply”)
– Why this program is the best opportunity for an adult who is seeking to learn a new professional position and a Postsecondary Education?
– Not ONLY in a short period of time of 4 to 8 weeks’ time you would learn a high level education as explained below hereto, but also UNLIKE some of the OTHER Education Programs you don’t need to borrow additional (“Student’s Loan”) and go into further debt in order to Receive a “PRESTIGIOUS” education like this with potential of “Six Figure Income” while this Skill education Program does.
– To see the SAMPLE of the State License PASS CERTIFICATE and list of [“Course Agendas”] that one is tested on “see the highlighted area in Yellow” Click Here.
Dept. Of Insurance and “BPPE” [ per ] Approved Course programs.
Classes cost breakdown
List of all In-Class “Per Approved (“Course”) Cost available in 30 or 60 days duration:
- Property and Casualty Broker-Agent-Insurance Course 52 hrs
- Property and Casualty Broker-Agent-Insurance Course Provisional Exam prep 40 hrs.
- Code and Ethics Insurance Code 12 hours
- PSI Licensing Exam fee Cost covered by this up to 3 attempts at $78 each = $234.00
- DOI Property and Casualty Broker-Agent-Insurance Government Lic Fee $180.00
- CA DOJ Finger print Government License Fee $79.00
- Life, Accident and Health-Agent Insurance Course 52 hrs. Exam prep
- Life, Accident and Health-Agent Insurance Course 40 hrs. Provisional Exam prep
- Life Only Agent Insurance Course 32 hrs Provisional Exam prep
- PSI Licensing Exam fee Cost covered by this up to 3 attempts at $78 each = $234.00
- DOI Life, Accident and Health-Agent Insurance Gov Lic Fee $180.00
- Personal Line Broker-Agent 32 hrs education
- Personal Line Broker-Agent 32 hrs Provisional Exam prep
- Limited Lines Automobile-Agent Insurance Course 32 hrs
- Limited Lines Automobile-Agent Insurance Course Provisional Exam prep 32 hrs
- PSI “online learning ability” 300 questions Exam practice from all Courses 144 hrs $784.00
Final required “SKILLS” overview of all Courses
Property and Casualty Broker-Agent-Insurance Course
o Agenda: Property, Casualty, Personal Lines, Homeowners, Commercial
Life, Accident and Health-Agent Insurance Course
o Agenda: Life, Accident Health, Inland Marine, CA Earthquake
Total Tuition fee $5,555.00
- Books and class materials
o Property and Casualty Broker-Agent-Insurance Course Reg.
o Limited Lines Automobile-Agent Insurance Course Reg.
o Life, Accident and Health-Agent Insurance Course Reg.
o Life Only Agent Insurance Course Reg.
o Personal Line Broker-Agent Reg.
o Exam Prep Study package
Books and Class materials total $1.797.00
- Administrative and various Government fees:
- DOI Licensing, DOJ, FBI LVSC, and Work Placement fee and cost total $2,291.00
Grand Total $9,620.00
Duration: 30 or 60 days, Average Cost $30.00 per hour
To view Approved Courses (“Programs”) by BPPE
- Per each Course: Click on this PDF;
- Per each Grouped Programs: Click on this PDF;